[Site of Suffering]
[Baby Face]

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baby music - on cassette tape

folk songs of middle aMerica, vol. 2  (1991)

[Folk Songs Of Middle America, Side 1]
[Folk Songs Of Middle America, Side 2]

Available via this blog dated March 29, 2010:

"When I first tried to rip this it was completely unlistenable, however, after hours of surgery, cleaning and finally a tape transplant it ended up sounding pretty decent. Bands are as follows: Black Indian, Bunnies of Doom, Concept of Nonsense, Baby M, Food Chain, Van Gogh's Ear, Buttmen, War Hippies, and the Illegitimate Sons of Jackie O. To my knowledge all of the bands are from Oklahoma, I think Tulsa mainly. If you have the cover for this tape contact me. Enjoy!"

-- Ross Adams    

"The Baby M track from this cassette appears to be a very early version of "Emma Peel" and was most likely recorded sometime in 1987. The intro featuring Travis and the music which follows were manually segued "live" from different source tapes in Broken Arrow, OK, in February(?) 1988 using three cassette decks and a Radio Shack / Realistic 4-channel DJ mixer. The "Baby M, Baby M, Baby M" portion in Travis' speech was manually edited using an advanced feature of the Pioneer cassette deck being used to record the mix. By 1992, I was so accustomed to hearing the name, "Baby M," repeated three times in succession that when the same piece was used as the intro to "Travis In Tulsa" at the beginning of the "Truth Squirts" CD, it seemed "naked" to me without it - and still does!  LOL"

-- MykeC    

Just push play: