[Broken Arrow Senior High School]
[25-Year Reunion Home Page]
[Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, USA]
[BA 1984 Tigers]

Are You Seeing What We're Seeing?

This web site makes use of PNG-based alpha blending technology. You may or may not know what that means but it's very easy to see what it means. Not until late 2006 when Microsoft finally released IE7 was there a version of IE capable of rendering semi-transparent PNGs correctly. Please take a moment to click on the two thumbnails below and compare them to the way in which this web site appears to you.

If you're seeing something like this then you're OK:

[Firefox 3] (Click to enlarge.)

However, if you're seeing something like this:

[Explorer 6] (Click to enlarge.)

...then you are browsing this web site with a decrepit, old version of Internet Explorer which pre-dates IE7 - and we would seriously encourage you to upgrade to Firefox 3 immediately!  The difference can be astounding.

Thank you.

Your humble webmaster,